Ross Rosenberg Quotes/Memes

Positive Affirmations to Heal

By Ross Rosenberg, Self-Love Recovery Institute Meaningful self-love and positive affirmations to help you heal your unconscious belief systems. Affirmations to read, practice and meditate. Look in the Mirror and say: “The reflection I see is 100% true; it...
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codependency gaslighting Ross Rosenberg Quotes/Memes

What is Gaslighting?

Gaslighting is a form of mental abuse, in which a victim is manipulated into doubting their own memory, perception, and sanity. Victims are not aware they are being manipulated into believing they have a problem. This makes them powerless...
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Book Excerpts gaslighting Ross Rosenberg Quotes/Memes


Gaslighting Logic: the distorted and flawed reasoning ability of a gaslighting victim. A sustained campaign of inculcated false narratives results in the scrambling of the gaslit prey’s thoughts, emotions, and intellectual capacities to the point of becoming impaired. This...
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codependency Covert Narcissism gaslighting narcissistic abuse Ross Rosenberg Quotes/Memes

Narcissistic Abuse Quotes by Ross Rosenberg

From Ross Rosenberg’s book The Human Magnet Syndrome, quotes on Narcissistic Abuse, Covert Narcissists and their victims.                         By Ross Rosenberg, M.Ed, LCPC, CADCPsychotherapist, Author, Educator, Expert Witness For more information about...
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Book Excerpts codependency Ross Rosenberg Quotes/Memes Self-Love Deficit Disorder

Codependent Martyr Syndrome

Codependent Martyr Syndrome. Some codependents rationalize, or repackage, their codependency traits into what they believe to be positive behaviors. Their codependency becomes a badge of honor of sorts, to be worn proudly—and often. These individuals experience what I refer...
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Book Excerpts codependency Ross Rosenberg Quotes/Memes Self-Love Deficit Disorder

Vitamin “L” Love Deficiency

My Vitamin Love Deficiency idea further illustrates the impact of that neglect and deprivation, or attachment trauma, on an adult’s future mental and physical health. This awareness represents the sum of the nurturing Love, Respect and Care children receive...
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Book Excerpts codependency narcissism Ross Rosenberg Quotes/Memes Trauma

Narcissistic Parents Create Codependent Children

The way children adapt to narcissistic parents is going to determine what their relationship template is going to be as adults.  For a child to avoid severe attachment trauma, they need to be adept at a form of psychological...
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Book Excerpts codependency Ross Rosenberg Quotes/Memes

Signs of Codependency – Am I Codependent?

  In writing the Human Magnet Syndrome books, the overriding goal was to provide explanatory and theoretical information about codependency, pathological narcissism and their dysfunctional relationship “dance.” Thousands of people have asked me to write about codependency treatment/recovery, but...
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