The Observe Don't Absorb Technique allows the SLD to maintain control. I call it Observe Don’t Absorb as I teach my clients to artificially "detach" from the narcissist....
Written by Ross Rosenberg, M.Ed., LCPC, CADC Self-Love Recovery Institute — President/CEO Psychotherapist, Educator, Author, Expert Witness “You cannot expect to set boundaries effectively and have them stick if you don’t believe that you are perfectly ok by yourself.” – Ross Rosenberg Setting boundaries is an important...
Written by Ross Rosenberg, M.Ed., LCPC, CADC Self-Love Recovery Institute — President/CEO Psychotherapist, Educator, Author, Expert Witness Codependents cannot shake the unrealistic belief that happiness will only come if they are in a relationship. They look to other people to make them feel happy and...
Written by Ross Rosenberg, M.Ed., LCPC, CADC Self-Love Recovery Institute — President/CEO Psychotherapist, Educator, Author, Expert Witness As much as we would like to, we cannot avoid certain indisputable immutable facts of life: We will have to pay taxes, we will get older, we will...
Written by Ross Rosenberg, M.Ed., LCPC, CADC Self-Love Recovery Institute — President/CEO Psychotherapist, Educator, Author, Expert Witness An Excerpt of the Unreleased 3rd Edition of The Human Magnet Syndrome: The Codependency Revolution The pathological narcissist‘s core shame and debilitating attachment trauma require the restorative and almost medicinal value of...
Written by Ross Rosenberg, M.Ed., LCPC, CADC Self-Love Recovery Institute — President/CEO Psychotherapist, Educator, Author, Expert Witness The relationship template is a foundational and indispensable concept specifically created for the Human Magnet Syndrome theory. It illustrates and explains the unconsciously experienced and unobservable psychological mechanics that bring...
Written by Ross Rosenberg, M.Ed., LCPC, CADC Self-Love Recovery Institute — President/CEO Psychotherapist, Educator, Author, Expert Witness These days, the term “delusion” or “delusional” is used well beyond its original clinical meaning. Like many of my other mental conceptualizations, I understand it according to levels...
Written by Ross Rosenberg, M.Ed., LCPC, CADC Self-Love Recovery Institute — President/CEO Psychotherapist, Educator, Author, Expert Witness An excerpt from Ross’s upcoming third edition of The Human Magnet Syndrome book. A narcissistic injury occurs when narcissists reflexively react to perceived criticism, embarrassment, judgment, boundaries, or attempts to be held...
Written by Ross Rosenberg, M.Ed., LCPC, CADC Self-Love Recovery Institute — President/CEO Psychotherapist, Educator, Author, Expert Witness In my 35 years in the psychotherapy field, including my experiences as a marriage and couple therapist, I wholeheartedly support this type of clinical intervention. Moreover, I have personally experienced the...
Written by Ross Rosenberg, M.Ed., LCPC, CADC Self-Love Recovery Institute — President/CEO Psychotherapist, Educator, Author, Expert Witness If you’ve read my book, The Human Magnet Syndrome, you know I am constantly creating new concepts, examples, illustrations, or theories, especially those that relate to my Self-Love...
Written by Ross Rosenberg, M.Ed., LCPC, CADC Self-Love Recovery Institute — President/CEO Psychotherapist, Educator, Author, Expert Witness The following is an excerpt from Ross Rosenberg’s upcoming Third Edition of his Human Magnet Syndrome book, From Soulmate to Cellmate. Iatrogenic trauma is the long-term suffering and distress caused by...